
Quilombos and Favelas Urbanos Museum was founded in 2012, in Belo Horizonte, in the Santa Lucia cluster. Its vocation is to guarantee the recognition and safeguarding of the favelas, the true urban quilombos of Brazil: places not only of suffering and deprivation, but also of collective memory worthy of being cared for.

Common space for artistic, political and cultural creation and sharing, open and self-managed.  

Kasa Invisível is a house occupied by an anti-capitalist collective, autonomous and horizontal, located in the center of Belo Horizonte – MG / Brazil. The space carries the proposal of being a point of resistance in the center of the city, hosting courses, debates, popular graphics, workshops, collective meetings, cinema, library, meeting and knowledge space, charitable events, urban garden.

Ecomuseum and research center. La Ponte is an interdisciplinary, open, experimental and collaborative work space in which science, territory and heritage are central themes.

The Museum of Archeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo (MAE-USP) is an institution dedicated to research, teaching and cultural and scientific dissemination, linked to the pró-Rector of Culture and University Extension of the University of São Paulo.

The Casal de Monte Redondo Museum develops activities in the field of safeguarding and enhancing the local heritage, Enhancing professions. Space loan. Various collaborations with IEFP: creation of companies, support for local crafts. Conducting local studies: sociology, urbanism, architecture, ethnography, etc. Editorial program. Teaching support.

According to its document of creation, the MDS or Center for Culture, Memory and Studies of Sexual Diversity of the State of São Paulo has the following attributions: To guarantee the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Brazilian LGBT community, through the collection, organization and public availability material and immaterial references;